Periodic testing and tagging

Testing & tagging electrical services

Testing and tagging services are essential for ensuring the safety of electrical appliances and equipment in various settings. This process involves inspecting, testing, and tagging electrical appliances to ensure they meet safety standards and are not posing a risk of electrical shock or fire.


Inspect, test and prevent any risks

Visual inspection

Electrical testing

Tagging and labelling

Documentation and record keeping

Compliance check

Repairs and retest

Customised testing programs

Precision and Safety: Test, repair, tag

We conduct thorough visual inspection of each electrical appliance to identify any visible defects or potential hazards before performing electrical testing using specialised equipment to assess the safety and functionality of appliances. If testing fails, we offer repair services and conduct retesting to ensure that the issues have been addressed. Once we’ve ensured appliances meet safety standards, we affix durable and compliant testing and tagging labels that mentions the inspection date, the next due date for testing, and the technician or contractor responsible for users to easily identify the status of the appliance. 

Adhering to excellence:
Rigorous compliance checks & meticulous documentation

Ensuring strict adherence to Australian standards, particularly AS/NZS 3760, we conduct compliance checks to guarantee that all testing and tagging activities align with established guidelines for the safety inspection and testing of electrical equipment. Our commitment extends to maintaining detailed records of every testing and tagging activity, capturing comprehensive information such as test results, dates, and any actions taken. This meticulous documentation serves dual purposes: ensuring compliance with regulations and providing a valuable resource for future reference.

Frequently Asked Questions

At the core of our esteemed organization is a cadre of certified electrical professionals—our most valuable asset. Their technical acumen and unwavering dedication to service excellence are the cornerstones upon which MPOWERU is built.

Testing and tagging services are essential to ensure the safety of electrical appliances and equipment, preventing risks of electrical shock or fire. This process involves a comprehensive approach, including visual inspection, electrical testing, tagging and labelling, documentation and record-keeping, compliance checks, repairs and retesting, and customised testing programs.

Our testing procedure involves a thorough visual inspection to identify visible defects or potential hazards in each electrical appliance. We use specialised equipment for electrical testing, addressing safety and functionality. In case of testing failures, we provide repair services and conduct retesting to ensure issues are resolved. Durable and compliant testing and tagging labels are affixed, indicating inspection dates, the next due date for testing, and the responsible technician or contractor.

We adhere to rigorous compliance checks, ensuring alignment with Australian standards, especially AS/NZS 3760. Meticulous documentation of every testing and tagging activity serves a dual purpose—ensuring compliance with regulations and providing a valuable resource for future reference, emphasising our commitment to excellence and safety.

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